Licitarsko srce


Licitari su tradicionalni hrvatski kolači koji se ističu svojim prepoznatljivim oblikom i živopisnim ukrasima. Najčešće su u obliku srca, ali mogu biti i u drugim oblicima poput zvijezda, konjića ili ptica. Izrađuju se od jednostavnog tijesta na bazi meda, brašna, vode i začina, što im daje specifičan okus i dugotrajnost.
Nakon pečenja, licitari se premazuju crvenim glazurom, a zatim se ručno ukrašavaju bijelim, žutim i zelenim šećernim pastama. Ukrašavanje uključuje razne motive poput cvijeća, listova i geometrijskih oblika. Često imaju i malo ogledalo umetnuto u sredinu ili kratke ljubavne poruke ispisane na njima.
Licitari su više od slastica; oni su dio hrvatske kulturne baštine i tradicije. Povezuju se s mnogim svečanostima, sajmovima i proslavama, te se često daruju kao znak ljubavi i pažnje. Osim što se jedu, licitari se koriste i kao ukrasi za božićna drvca ili kao suveniri. Ova stoljetna tradicija očuvana je kroz obitelji koje generacijama prenose umijeće izrade licitara, čuvajući tako dio hrvatskog identiteta i kulturnog naslijeđa.


Licitars are traditional Croatian cookies known for their distinctive shape and vivid decorations. They are most commonly heart-shaped, but they can also come in other forms like stars, horses, or birds. They are made from a simple dough based on honey, flour, water, and spices, giving them a unique flavor and long shelf life.
After baking, licitars are coated with a red glaze and then hand-decorated with white, yellow, and green sugar paste. The decorations include various motifs such as flowers, leaves, and geometric shapes. They often feature a small mirror embedded in the center or short love messages written on them.
Licitars are more than just sweets; they are part of Croatian cultural heritage and tradition. They are associated with many festivities, fairs, and celebrations, and are often given as tokens of love and affection. In addition to being eaten, licitars are used as Christmas tree ornaments or as souvenirs. This centuries-old tradition has been preserved through families who have passed down the skill of making licitars for generations, thus preserving a part of Croatian identity and cultural heritage.
