Šibenska katedrala

Šibenska katedrala

Šibenska katedrala, poznata kao Katedrala sv. Jakova, nalazi se u središtu grada Šibenika, na obali Jadranskog mora. Izgrađena je u 15. i 16. stoljeću u gotičkom stilu, a jedinstvena je po tome što je u potpunosti izgrađena od kamena bez upotrebe veziva. Katedrala je remek-djelo srednjovjekovne arhitekture i uvrštena je na UNESCO-v popis svjetske baštine zbog svoje ljepote i tehnoloških inovacija. Ističe se svojim trobrodnim interijerom, bogatim ornamentima i fasadom ukrašenom skulpturama. Šibenska katedrala predstavlja kulturno i povijesno središte grada Šibenika te je jedna od najvažnijih znamenitosti Dalmacije i Hrvatske.


The Šibenik Cathedral, known as the Cathedral of St. James, is located in the center of the city of Šibenik, on the coast of the Adriatic Sea. It was built in the 15th and 16th centuries in the Gothic style and is unique in that it is entirely constructed from stone without the use of binding materials. The cathedral is a masterpiece of medieval architecture and is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site for its beauty and technological innovations. It is renowned for its three-nave interior, rich ornaments, and facade adorned with sculptures. The Šibenik Cathedral represents a cultural and historical centerpiece of the city of Šibenik and is one of the most important landmarks in Dalmatia and Croatia.



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